Part Time Jobs Near Me | In this video, you will learn about 10 Part-time jobs for everyone. Be it part-time jobs for students, or some part time jobs for working professionals with a 9-5 job. Doesn't matter how you are, you will a stable part-time job in India and make extra money in free time.
The following are the 10 part-time jobs in India to earn extra money in free time:
10. Insurance Agent 1:38
An insurance agent is a lucrative job that generates a recurring income in future once you sell an insurance policy. Know everything about it by clicking directly on the time stamp.
9. OLA/UBER Moto driver 3:30
Ola and Uber moto (2 wheeler) drivers earn good money in their free time by just driving 3 hours every day. Up to 15000-20000 income is easily generated with this part-time extra income ideas.
8. Property dealing /Real estate agent in your neighborhood 5:08
Property dealing is again a very lucrative part-time job with commissions up to 2% pr dealing which could well be lakhs of rupees. You need to make a good connection in and around the neighborhood to crack the deals.
7. Training/Teaching 6:48
Do you have a special skill such as dancing/yoga/swimming/Zumba/guitar/singing, etc? If yes, then watch how you can start teaching your skill to others and make good money just by giving your 2 hours every day.
Download the Qriyo app to start teaching now
6. Sales distribution 8:40
Do you know that some companies pay for selling their products? Companies like Herbal Life, Amway, Tupperware do not sell products through local shops and dealers. They use multi-level marketing and distribute their products to some customers who then sell them to other customers. You first need to purchase the p[rodycts yourself and then sell them to other at a profit. With this, you can make extra income, you would require special selling skills to pursue this.
5. Newspaper Hawker 10:08
A hawker earns good money by just working 2 hours in the morning. Throwing one newspaper generates 1-2 rupees of money and if you include pamphlet distribution in that, your income would grow even more. You can easily earn INR 3000- 8000
4. Car Cleaning 11:39
Know all about how much you can earn by just cleaning cars in your neighborhood.
3. Events 12:55
Do you know that you can enroll in different event management companies as a waiter, bouncer, coordinator, manager, etc and can earn up to 5000 per night? If you are interested, then know all about it.
2. Swiggy/UberEATS driver | Food delivery boy or girl 14:13
Know how to become a Swiggy and UberEATS driver and earn extra money part-time. By just devoting your 3 hours every day, you can earn up to 20000 rupees monthly.
1. Professional Services. 15:38
Ae you a photographer, wedding planner, make up artist, Mehendi artist, plumber, electrician, gardener or any other professional? The know about apps that give you a lot of business and make money by doing what you do in your 9-5 job, but more.
The following are the 10 part-time jobs in India to earn extra money in free time:
10. Insurance Agent 1:38
An insurance agent is a lucrative job that generates a recurring income in future once you sell an insurance policy. Know everything about it by clicking directly on the time stamp.
9. OLA/UBER Moto driver 3:30
Ola and Uber moto (2 wheeler) drivers earn good money in their free time by just driving 3 hours every day. Up to 15000-20000 income is easily generated with this part-time extra income ideas.
8. Property dealing /Real estate agent in your neighborhood 5:08
Property dealing is again a very lucrative part-time job with commissions up to 2% pr dealing which could well be lakhs of rupees. You need to make a good connection in and around the neighborhood to crack the deals.
7. Training/Teaching 6:48
Do you have a special skill such as dancing/yoga/swimming/Zumba/guitar/singing, etc? If yes, then watch how you can start teaching your skill to others and make good money just by giving your 2 hours every day.
Download the Qriyo app to start teaching now
6. Sales distribution 8:40
Do you know that some companies pay for selling their products? Companies like Herbal Life, Amway, Tupperware do not sell products through local shops and dealers. They use multi-level marketing and distribute their products to some customers who then sell them to other customers. You first need to purchase the p[rodycts yourself and then sell them to other at a profit. With this, you can make extra income, you would require special selling skills to pursue this.
5. Newspaper Hawker 10:08
A hawker earns good money by just working 2 hours in the morning. Throwing one newspaper generates 1-2 rupees of money and if you include pamphlet distribution in that, your income would grow even more. You can easily earn INR 3000- 8000
4. Car Cleaning 11:39
Know all about how much you can earn by just cleaning cars in your neighborhood.
3. Events 12:55
Do you know that you can enroll in different event management companies as a waiter, bouncer, coordinator, manager, etc and can earn up to 5000 per night? If you are interested, then know all about it.
2. Swiggy/UberEATS driver | Food delivery boy or girl 14:13
Know how to become a Swiggy and UberEATS driver and earn extra money part-time. By just devoting your 3 hours every day, you can earn up to 20000 rupees monthly.
1. Professional Services. 15:38
Ae you a photographer, wedding planner, make up artist, Mehendi artist, plumber, electrician, gardener or any other professional? The know about apps that give you a lot of business and make money by doing what you do in your 9-5 job, but more.
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